Upon completion of the programme, participants will be able to:
- Have a better understanding of the Shari’ah framework for Islamic finance
- Examine the application of Shari’ah contracts for Islamic financial instruments
- Explain the Islamic banking operations and instruments
1. Overview of Islamic Banking and Finance
- Shari’ah framework for Islamic finance
- Prohibition of Riba
- Prohibition of Gharar
- Prohibition of Gambling (Maysir)
- Fundamental prohibited
- Elements in Islamic Finance
- Mutuality of Risk-Sharing
2. Application of Shari’ah contracts
- Classification of Shari’ah contracts
- Exchange-based Contracts
- Charity-based Contracts
- Partnership Contracts
- Elements of Shari’ah contracts
- Form of Contract
- Subject Matter of the Contract
- Contracting Parties
3. Concept of Exchange-based Contracts
- Bay’ Al-Murabahah (Mark-up Sale)
- Bay’ Al-Istisna’ (Manufacturing Sale)
- Bay’ Al-Salam (Forward Sale)
- Bay’ Al-Inah (Sell and Buy-Back)
- Bay’ Al-Tawarruq (Cash Financing)
- Ijarah (Lease)
4. Partnership Contracts in Islamic Finance
- Mudhabarah
- Musharakah
5. Sources of Funds
- Investment Deposit
- Term Deposit
- Current Deposit
- Savings Deposit
6. Uses of Funds
- I Working Capital Financing
- Corporate Financing
- Islamic Retail Financing
7. Islamic Trade Financing Instruments and Practices
- Islamic Bank Guarantee
- Islamic Accepted Bills
- Islamic Trust Receipt
- Islamic Letter of Credit
- Islamic Shipping Guarantee
administrative details
Duration: 2 Days
Maximum Participants: 30 Persons per class